
Yule and Winter Solstice is the most magical time of the year! However, it can also be one of the most stressful. Remember to take a moment to notice the beauty around you during the Yuletide season. Reflect on the current position of the Winter Solstice sun and feel its light shining down on you.

Nature is slowing down, and so should you. Be still and observe the peaceful silence and renewal taking place.

Engage all your senses, take deep breaths, and be truly present in yourself. Pause for a few moments to look at the beautiful sparkling lights, listen to your favorite Winter song, smell the cold crisp air mixed with the scent of cinnnamon or pine, taste your favorite warm drink, or snuggle up with a cozy blanket.

The Winter Solstice

The Winters Solstice is also called Yule or Yuletide. Winter Solstice usually lands around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere or June 21st in the Southern Hemisphere, but can vary based on the Sun’s location.

This Pagan holiday celebrated the arrival of the longest night, and from this point forward, each day will grow longer and warmer. The light is returning, and you’ll see this symbolized in many of the symbols and decorations like a Yule log.

The Pagan holiday of the Winter Solstice finds its roots in many cultures throughout history. The Egyptians honored the return of Ra, the sun god, and the Old Norse people celebrated Jol, Yule, which consisted of a twelve-day feast. It was common for many celebrations to last several days.

Yule Spiritual Meaning

The meaning of the Winter Solstice is to celebrate the longest and darkest night and the slow return of the sun. After Yule, we can look forward to the brighter and warmer days!

One only needs to look outside to see Nature’s reminder of slumber and dormancy. Now is a time for rest, reflection, growth, and being full present during this beautiful season.

Allow yourself to be fully present and experience your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Only then can you begin to understand the darkness that you may need to heal. Working with your Shadow allows your transformation and your inner strength, enlightenment, and wonderful new beginnings to emerge.

Embrace the stillness and calm of Winter, allowing the healing, rest, and deep reflection.

Let us know if you’d like to hear more about Yule and it’s traditions!